In 2019, Autoproyecto became the first in-language in-market Website to offer US Hispanic automotive consumers tools that allowed them to easily find vehicle information with buyers guides and vehicle description pages. These tools resonated with Autoproyecto users who, by a large majority, actively shop for new vehicles on Autoproyecto. Data reveals that over 75% of site traffic is actively researching a new or used vehicle purchase over a rolling 90 day period.
“The redesign has been fundamental to improving user experience and the site growth,” said Camilo Alfaro, Autoproyecto CEO and Founder. “he site is 25% faster--a critical metric for a video-first content site. This has led to a 30% increase in visitor retention since relaunch and a doubling in the number of sessions.”
Autoproyecto began as an auto enthusiast website, but as demand for vehicle purchase information grew, it has evolved into the only, ‘in-market, Spanish-language automotive website. As such, continues to evolve, adding enhanced features to facilitate access to vehicle information that informs purchase decisions, while also improving the overall user experience.
Users can still find the latest automotive news and vehicle reviews that accompany a car-buyers diligence process. But, with the new features, car buying decisions are made easier with quicker access to vehicle information and are optimized for easy access on both desktop and mobile devices.
“Although the site is responsive, Autoproyecto will shortly launch a dedicated mobile site,” added Alfaro. “We made these changes for our users but also for our clients that want to take advantage of the full-funnel experience we deliver.”
The items below describe the major enhancements to the website:

Buyers Guide
The Guia de Compra (Buyers Guide) helps in-market users navigate quickly by vehicle type so they can find a competitive set. The buyers guide has been redesigned to enhance user functionality, including a filter by star-rating and price. It can be seen here
Search Module
Alternatively, a search module, on the Homepage and right rail of every page, assists consumers in finding a vehicle by manufacturer, model or year. Each filter helps narrow the search.

Retention Pages
When a user searches by “make,” they are directed to a manufacturer landing page. The pages include a list of all the models available with quick specs and a star rating. They also have a video player with a playlist of the latest brand test drives and a list of the most recent news relating to the brand and its products. The pages will benefit from advances to the buyers guide and will feature new design and increased functionality

Vehicle Description Pages
New to the site is the addition of Vehicle Description Pages (VDP). Previous versions of the site only contained reviews or test drives of individual models. The new pages offer customers a deeper dive into information on a specific vehicle. They contain an overall vehicle rating (1-5 stars), major specifications and features, pricing, safety ratings and recent vehicle stories and reviews. The VDPs have been enhanced for easier navigation and vital information easier to access.
Additional Benefits for Advertisers
Website Speed: The site has completely rewritten to load faster and provide an enhanced user experience. Load time will be less than a second and increased viewability:
- 728x90 and 300x250 ad positions have enhanced viewability functions.
- New Integrated 300x250 Ad Units: The 300x250 ad position will be integrated into the Buyers Guide vehicle listings. Can be seen here.
New Photo Gallery: The photo gallery will now integrate ads.